Friday, April 22, 2011

Walk with Christ to the Cross

Well the past five weeks we have been walking along side of the Savior.  The most important week of His life...It's really a good study.  I have been breaking down each day of the last week of His life into a five week study.

Two weeks before His death Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  This was important because the the Jews this was a sign that he was the Messiah. 

Sunday (Palm Sunday), Jesus was at Bethany at the home of Simon, with Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  This is where Mary annointed his feet, and Judas started to consider other options.  A large crowd came to see him because of the miracle with Lazarus.

Monday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the "King".  It's no wonder that at the time of Passover that the Jews would be looking for a physical king, after all a week earlier Jesus just did that amazing thing with Lazarus.  He went to the temple was disappointed with what he saw, then retreated to Bethany.  I suppose as he walked back to Bethany that night he couldn't get that out of his mind.  I don't think he slept all that much either.

Tuesday, he went to Jerusalem and on the way saw a fig tree.  he cursed that tree, a picture of the current generation.  This is the day he cleansed the temple.

Wednesday, on the way back to Jerusalem, they saw that the fig tree was dead.  Jesus spent this day teaching, and giving the kingdom parables.

Thursday, was the day of preperation.  This is when they had the last supper, and then retreated to the garden....the arrest!

Friday, all through the night taken through the mock trial...the beatings....the torture.  Then the walk to the cross...he hangs there with the sin of the world...mine...yours...We have all sinned, there is none that are rightous no not matter how good that you think that you are...we have all sinned if not only in our hearts...well that prevents us from being connected with God, and although God loves us, someone has to pay for our he came in the form of a man, and died in our place...all we have to do is accept cool!  Do that today, before its too late.

Sunday morning when they came to the tomb to prepare him...he was gone....He was alive!!!!!!!!!