Monday, May 9, 2011

A Mother's Love

In 2 Tim 1:5, Paul commends Timothy in his faith because of the influence of both his mother and grandmother.  Timothy's mother was a Messianic Jew, and his dad a Greek. There was no church in his community, and so the only spiritual influence came from his mother.  Today, though it is hard, we have churches on every block, but seem to be empty cold buildings, all but dead.....(not true in every church, but most..), both parents are working, or living in a single parent home, with the parent working....the children left to be raised by the television....It was a surprise to see the faces of those sons of the mothers and grandmothers of the church as they walked in sat down in the front, and listened to what God had for them, about the love of their mothers.  I could tell if even just for a moment, they "got it."  Hopefully its enough for God to start to work in their lives.  Hopefully I will be able to talk with them and pray with them, as they walk their "road."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love God, Love Others

Jesus was asked, "what is the greatest commandment."  We are not talking just the ten that everyone thinks of, but over six hundred that governed their everyday life.  His answer was simple...He said to love God with everything that is in you, to your center core.  Have you every loved something so much that it hurt?  Well, this is the love that Jesus was talking about.  If you love something or someone that much there is nothing that you would not do for that person.  Nothing would be more important to you than that person.  Well, that describes the relationship you are required to have with God.  And why not?  This is through private intimate time, and public worship.

Second is that we are to love others.  First, other Christians.  This is done by uplifting and encouraging.   We in church today spend more time criticizing our Christian family instead of loving.  What is wrong with us???  Church should be an oasis from the world, not the world personified.  Sometimes I think if I was not a Christian today, and was soul searching and walked into church....I would see back stabbers, and gossipers, and people with fake smiles... Luckily this is not true in every church, but it should be enough for each us to it mine?  Is it me?