Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Power in Prayer

In Acts chapter 2 there is this incredible picture of the disciples after Jesus died and rose from the dead.  They were all meeting in prayer in an upper room.  While they were praying the amazing power of God showed up!

Just some things I want to point out is that when they started to pray (vs 1-2) they prayed "until", some people will ask, "how long to we pray?" or "God's not listening to me..."  I know that waiting on an answer is not always the easiest thing to do.  There are times, and sometimes these are times of great difficulty, that I just want God to ride in and save the day, or move his hand in heaven and just make everything alright, ya know?  The amazing thing in my life, well at least now is that I can look back and see all the wonderful times God did answer, just not always right when I wanted (a little kid..give it to me now!!!!!!), right?  but in his time they are answered in just the right way for me.  I love what it says in these verse because they prayed and prayed and prayed some more...they kept praying until...until what?....until God answers!

It also states that they continued to meet with other Christians, for fellowship and prayer.  Some people think that they don't need to go to church, "it's boring", or "all they want is $", right?!?  Well the word in the bible for church really just means "people" or an assembly of people.  This happens anytime people of like faith get together.  In this passage  it states that they would eat together.  When is the last time you saw people at your house or when was the last time you invited someone at church home for fellowship?  Someone might just really need that.  See, if you are on the outside looking in,  there is more then old songs and boring lectures....or at least there should be.  Its about being part of something larger than yourself, strength, love, fellowship, happiness, excitement, well you get the idea.

check out your local church, and if you don't have one...come to ours


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